Aillio Bullet R1 (Worlds Most Energy Efficient Coffee Roaster?)

Описание к видео Aillio Bullet R1 (Worlds Most Energy Efficient Coffee Roaster?)

Our aillio Bullet R1 coffee roaster has arrived. We turned on the camera as we unpacked this bad boy.

What aillio says about the Bullet R1:

"Enter the Bullet R1, a roaster designed with our fellow coffee geeks in mind. We think you’ll agree: this machine is quite the looker. But we promise the Bullet R1 is more than just another pretty face. It is a true drum roaster, easily capable of bringing a full KG of beans to first crack in under 12 minutes – a remarkable feat for a machine that plugs into a standard wall socket.

And the Bullet R1 is highly responsive to user input, giving you precise control over drum speed, fan speed, and heating power during the course of each roast. You can take samples mid-roast using the "tryer", sneak a peak at your beans through the sight glass, or obsessively monitor the numbers on the LCD control-panel – it’s all up to you.

If you're hoping to really geek out (and we certainly hope you are!) then you will need to connect the Bullet to your PC. Our little machine is smart straight out of the box, with multiple sensors generating data that our custom RoastTime software captures and makes sense of in real time, plotting the details and metrics of your roast – everything from on-the-fly power adjustments to the RoR – onto a graph and saving it as a roast profile.

You can trade your roast profiles online with fellow roasters all over the world. They can learn from you, and you can learn from them – a wonderful feature for anyone serious about improving the quality of their roasts.

Whether you're a coffee lover looking to level-up your brews, a cafe owner looking for a way to differentiate your business, or a professional in the industry looking for a sleek sample roaster..."

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