Austrian Army begins a great offensive (World War I in Galicia, East front)

Описание к видео Austrian Army begins a great offensive (World War I in Galicia, East front)

오스트리아 헝가리 육군의 대공세
제 1차 세계 대전: 동부 전선, 갈리치아 방면

"Josef" is a 2011 Croatian war drama film directed by Stanislav Tomić depicting war story of Austrian-Hungarian Croat soldier during World War I in 1915 in Galicia.

서부전선이 교착상태로 빠진 반면, 동부유럽의 전쟁은 계속되었다. 러시아군의 초기 계획은 오스트리아의 갈리치아-로도메리아 왕국과 독일의 동프로이센을 동시에 침공하는 계획이었다. 비록, 갈리치아를 향한 러시아군의 초기 공세는 성공적이었으나 동프로이센을 향한 공세는 1914년 8~9월에 일어난 타넨베르크 전투와 마수리아 호 전투에서 파울 폰 힌덴부르크과 에리히 루덴도르프의 분전으로 저지되었다. 러시아의 덜 발달된 산업 기반과 비효율적인 군사 명령 체계가 이후 벌어진 사건들에 중요한 역할을 했다. 1915년 봄에는 러시아군이 갈라치아 지역에서 후퇴했으며, 5월에는 동맹국이 폴란드 남부 지역에 돌파구를 만들었다. 8월 5일에는 동맹국이 러시아군을 후퇴시키며 바르샤바를 점령했다.

On the Eastern front, the war started out equally poorly. The Austro-Hungarian Army was defeated at the Battle of Lemberg and the great fortress city of Przemyśl was besieged and fell in March 1915. The Gorlice–Tarnów Offensive started as a minor German offensive to relieve the pressure of the Russian numerical superiority on the Austro-Hungarians, but the cooperation of the Central Powers resulted in huge Russian losses and the total collapse of the Russian lines, and their 100 km (62 mi) long retreat into Russia. The Russian Third Army perished. In summer 1915, the Austro-Hungarian Army, under a unified command with the Germans, participated in the successful Gorlice–Tarnów Offensive. From June 1916, the Russians focused their attacks on the Austro-Hungarian army in the Brusilov Offensive, recognizing the numerical inferiority of the Austro-Hungarian army. By the end of September 1916, Austria-Hungary mobilized and concentrated new divisions, and the successful Russian advance was halted and slowly repelled; but the Austrian armies took heavy losses (about 1 million men) and never recovered. The Battle of Zborov (1917) was the first significant action of the Czechoslovak Legions, who fought for the independence of Czechoslovakia against the Austro-Hungarian army. However the huge losses in men and material inflicted on the Russians during the offensive contributed greatly to the revolutions of 1917, and it caused an economic crash in the Russian Empire.


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