Sally & Alice | The Welkin A2S1 | MADS Theatre

Описание к видео Sally & Alice | The Welkin A2S1 | MADS Theatre

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This video was played at the beginning of Act 2 during MADS Theatre's production of The Welkin, written by Lucy Kirkwood, which was performed on April 21st-26th, 2024.

This was an endeavour, I won't lie to you. When I had it in my head to film this whole thing on green screen, I thought it would be dead easy. Turns out I was dead wrong. This thing was a bloody nightmare and it was all my fault because the green screen wasn't big enough so I had to get inventive (and pay £100 for a plug-in to make it work) but we powered through and we made a video. For the future, if any prospective directors want a video making, you can come to me but don't let me have all of the ideas because I'll end up buggering something up and then having to fix it and I don't have neither the time nor patience.

In all honesty, it's not my best work and I know where to improve in future (i.e. buy a bigger green screen or don't use green screen at all) but when it was projected during the play on black gauze, it did end up working very well. Some of that may not come across on screen as opposed to being there in the audience but, hopefully, you'll still be able to see what we were going for. It's not perfect, the chroma keying is spotty at times. It's also quite clear that during the middle, I gave up on sourcing videos of meadows and fields and acquiesced to just using still images I found on Google but, you know what, if I didn't point that out, you probably wouldn't have noticed.

Being serious for a moment, though, I would like to thank Kayleigh for not only giving me the opportunity and trusting me in doing this (which is a big gamble in itself) but also having a clear vision for me to follow and translate from a hastily drawn storyboard to a fully-fledged video ready for projection. Thanks also to Izzy and Jess for being wonderful cast and making the process very easy, thank you to Andy for the lights, thanks to Will for assistance in hanging the green screen. And, finally, thanks to Taffy who helped far, far more than he'd care to admit. Taffy suggested not only where to source the green screen but also gave me the brilliant idea to make the video in a 4:3 aspect ratio, which really helped streamline the process in a manner I hadn't even considered. Your input was invaluable, my friend, and I thank you for being part of the process.

Now, I'm aware it's probably taken you longer to read this than to watch the video and I'm not sorry. Enjoy.


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