AI Seminar Series 2024: Safe and Explainable Autonomous Driving, Shahin Atakishiyev

Описание к видео AI Seminar Series 2024: Safe and Explainable Autonomous Driving, Shahin Atakishiyev

The AI Seminar is a weekly meeting at the University of Alberta where researchers interested in artificial intelligence (AI) can share their research. Presenters include both local speakers from the University of Alberta and visitors from other institutions. Topics can be related in any way to artificial intelligence, from foundational theoretical work to innovative applications of AI techniques to new fields and problems.

More than three decades of autonomous driving research, primarily starting with ALVINN in 1988, have achieved significant milestones with traditional AI software. However, recent breakthroughs in Foundation Models via Large Language Models and Vision-Language Models motivate a next-generation autonomous vehicle (AV 2.0) and a gradual transition from a modular pipeline to end-to-end learning within Embodied AI. In this talk, I present challenges and opportunities with safety and explainability of AV 2.0 by drawing insights from critical analysis and empirical evidence.

Presenter Bio:
Shahin Atakishiyev is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Computing Science at the University of Alberta, working with Prof. Randy Goebel. His doctoral research focuses on the development of explainable AI approaches for autonomous vehicles. His general research interests include safe, ethical, human-centered, and explainable AI approaches applied to real-world problems.


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