Honey... Honey... Lion! by Jan Brett Read Aloud

Описание к видео Honey... Honey... Lion! by Jan Brett Read Aloud

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The African plains provide a stunning environment for Jan Brett's latest animal adventure. For as long as anyone can remember, the honeyguide bird and the African honey badger have been partners when it comes to honey:Honeyguide finds the honeycomb, Badger breaks it open, and they share the sweetness inside. But this day, Badger keeps all the honey for himself. Foolish Badger! In no time, Honeyguide leads Badger on a fast chase. Badger thinks it's for honey; but Honeyguide has a surprise waiting for her greedy friend.

Get your own copy on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Honey-Lion-Sto...


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