Guide Dogs I Science in the City I Exploratorium

Описание к видео Guide Dogs I Science in the City I Exploratorium

Navigating bustling city streets can be a challenge for anyone at times. Can you imagine crossing a busy street, walking up a flight of stairs or using public transportation without the gift of sight? In this Science in the City you'll catch a glimpse of how Guide Dogs for the Blind envisions a world with greater inclusion, opportunity, and independence by optimizing the unique capabilities of people and dogs.

Since 1942, Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB) has empowered lives by creating exceptional partnerships between people, dogs and communities. They prepare highly qualified guide dogs to serve and empower individuals who are blind or have low vision. All of their services are provided free of charge.

To receive a copy of any of their publications in Braille, please contact them at [email protected], or (800) 295-4050, ext. 0


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