Adventure Modules are Flawed - Making a TTRPG From Scratch [Episode 22]

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To clarify what I mean about adventure modules are flawed is that many of them just list up the content as the players encounter them. You get a map and a list of the different rooms and which encounter is in each room.

The problem with this approach is that the GM needs to sift through the information and sort what is required to run a session and what is backstory and lore that the GM needs to prepare before the session. And many encounters also reference spells and monsters that are in the back of the book or in a completely different book. All of this makes you need to keep multiple bookmarks open to be able to run the game smoothly.

This can easily be solved by separating a module in two: One for preparing an adventure (containing the purpose, lore and intention of an encounter) and running the adventure (containing stats, maps, random tables, etc.). The GM first reads the preparation section to understand the purpose of each encounter and the connection between them, then uses the running section when they are running the game for easy reference.

Do you agree with this method? Still trying to figure out if it's good or not.


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