4 Citrus Tree Grafting Techniques... Which Is The Best Way To Graft?!

Описание к видео 4 Citrus Tree Grafting Techniques... Which Is The Best Way To Graft?!

We spend a lot of time grafting at the nursery and have experimented with multiple methods of grafting. After we posted our last citrus tree grafting video many have asked about some of the other methods. So we took a few minutes with Hershell to do a video that explains 3 of the other grafting methods that some people are comfortable with and a demonstration of how we do it at Madison Citrus Nursery. We have much higher success rates doing it this way and hope you will too.

We offer over 225 varieties of grafted citrus trees and budwood of almost all:
See them at http://www.madisoncitrusnursery.com

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