ඔබේ දරුවාට නොදිය යුතුම ආහාර වර්ග 10...! Foods to never give to your child....

Описание к видео ඔබේ දරුවාට නොදිය යුතුම ආහාර වර්ග 10...! Foods to never give to your child....

All children and adolescents need healthy snacks and meals to support their growth and development. A nutrient-rich diet plays an important role in your child’s mental and physical development.

Unfortunately, nutritional deficiencies can occur in children when their diets include an excess of foods that are high in fat, sugar and salt. These are often in the form of treats (chips, chocolates, lollies, soft drink) or in food that has been processed (such as take-away food). Children who don’t eat a varied diet that includes enough fresh and whole foods risk long-term health consequences.

A healthy diet with the right nutrition also plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy weight in children and adolescents. Eating patterns established in childhood continue into adulthood, so the more healthy choices children are offered, the better.


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