Astrology Q&A: Nakshatra Rulers- Why They're Deceptive

Описание к видео Astrology Q&A: Nakshatra Rulers- Why They're Deceptive

"I have a lot of planets in Ketu nakshatras... therefore I'm 'spiritual'"

I see a lot of fluff like this on YouTube and it's about time we address it. In this part one of two, I debunk some prevailing myths about the planetary rulers of the nakshatras. I discuss exactly how to use the nakshatras to describe your personality... without resorting to their dasha lords.

In part two, I will reveal how to properly use the planetary dasha rulers for effective prediction. Tune in to that video for the full explanation!

To get more information about the full Nakshatra Secrets course, go to and subscribe to my newsletter. Hope to see you there!


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