Law Of Positivism Healing Oracle & Wild Alchemy Astro-Botanical Messages

Описание к видео Law Of Positivism Healing Oracle & Wild Alchemy Astro-Botanical Messages

Law of Positivism Healing Oracle Messages
10: I follow the cycles of my body
Moon: Feminine cycle; Snake: Wisdom; Rose: Womb and heart connection; Orchid: Fertility

13: I release negative thoughts about myslf and my life
- I love myself and my life.
- I am exactly where I need to be.
- I am whole and complete.

2: As I heal my mind, I heal my body
- Start noticing how words and the mind impact your body directly.
Horse: Freedom; Echinacea: Resilience.

39: When I flow with my energy, I flow with the energy of life
Try contemplating your flow of energy using art journaling.
Hummingbird: Joy; Water: Cleansing; Sun and moon: Balancing inner and outer.

Wild Alchemy Lab Astro Botanical Remedy Messages
Rosebay Willowherb
Fire Element
Saturn: Capricorn, Aquarius (spleen, bones)
Mars: Aries, Scorpio (adrenals, blood)
Moon: Cancer (brain, stomach)
Sagittarius (Hips and Thighs)
It's anti-inflammatory properties Remedy excess fire in the body. Energetically, it opens us up to new things following shock, trauma or burnout.

Wood Betony
Air Element
Jupiter: Sagittarius, Pisces (liver, metabolism)
Moon: Cancer (brain, stomach)
Gemini (Hands, Arms, Lungs)
Pisces (Feet)
Once considered a cure-all. It is a good ally for alleviating melancholy, nightmares, headaches and anxiety. Energetically, a powerful protector.

Ground Ivy
Earth Element
Saturn: Capricorn, Aquarius (spleen, bones)
Venus: Taurus, Libra (kidneys, bladder)
Moon: Cancer (brain, stomach)
Scorpio (sex organs, colon)
Historically used for colds, soar throats, sinusitis, headaches, eye problems and hay fever.

Air Element
Mercury: Virgo, Gemini (Lungs, nerves)
Venus: Taurus, Libra (kidneys, bladder)
Moon: Cancer (brain, stomach)
Libra (kidneys)

18+ to Enter. The above mentioned are not meant to be cures but rather aid in living a healthier happier lifestyle. I am not a medical professional and I am not responsible for what you do with this information. If you have a serious health problem seek out a proper medical professional.

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