What Is Truth To You?

Описание к видео What Is Truth To You?

This call is from Truth Wanted on September 6, 2024 Truth Wanted Episode 07.36 with ObjectivelyDan and Magic Skeptic!!

Watch the full episode:    • Truth Wanted 07.36 with ObjecivelyDan...  

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Note: We request pronouns as part of the call screening process on our shows, and we display the pronouns our callers provide. If you see a caller with no pronouns indicated, this is because they chose not to provide us with any, and we respect that decision.



Truth Wanted is a show about getting to the bottom of beliefs, whether it’s karma or Christ, Bigfoot or crystals. Truth Wanted would like to know how you know it’s true. Hosted by ObjectivelyDan, Truth Wanted takes calls from the community (that means YOU!) and features new guests every week, emphasizing thorough conversations over name-calling and scoffing (most of the time). Truth Wanted focuses on how and why people believe what they believe, and how you can talk about beliefs in more effective ways. Join us for truth investigations and lively conversations every Friday at 6:00pm CT 1-512-991-9242

The Atheist Community of Austin is organized as a nonprofit educational corporation to develop and support the atheist community, to provide opportunities for socializing and friendship, to promote secular viewpoints, to encourage positive atheist culture, to defend the first amendment principle of state-church separation, to oppose discrimination against atheists and to work with other organizations in pursuit of common goals.

We define atheism as the lack of belief in gods. This definition also encompasses what most people call agnosticism.

► http://www.atheist-community.org (The Atheist Community of Austin)


TruthWanted is the official channel of Truth Wanted. "Truth Wanted" is a trademark of the ACA.

Copyright © 2024 Atheist Community of Austin. All rights reserved.


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