Baby grunting and growling constipated **update in description

Описание к видео Baby grunting and growling constipated **update in description

I think she's constipated or gassy 😓 She is not just bored; she makes this noise all the time throughout the day and makes faces that look uncomfortable.
***Update Jan 2023, daughter now 3 years old... we recently found out our daughter has a moderate dairy allergy and mild egg allergy after doing an allergy blood test. I always suspected she had some unusual stomach issues but people always told me I was reading into things and overacting. To find this out years later made me so sad. I wish I had followed my instincts and gotten answers back then (I probably would have cut out dairy from my diet since she was breast fed). My baby didn't just have colic; she probably had tummy pain and
I believe this grunting and growling were some symptoms of that (in addition to the full fledged shrieking cries). Now, as a newly 3 year old, we are trying to figure out how to manage her chronic cough and chronic congestion that is currently how her allergy presents itself. I will add, we also found out some time after this video that she also had silent reflux which might have caused some of this grunting and growling.


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