South African DJ's Are Sick

Описание к видео South African DJ's Are Sick

South Africa has some of the most talented DJ's in the world at the present moment. Their style and performances has transformed the DJ culture. Many South African DJ's are sought after to perform around the world in some of the most iconic venues. If you ever have the chance to see one of these DJ's in action, then you will understand why they are sick with talent.
I have posted a few of my favorite DJ's in this video. I hope you enjoy as much as I do.
I don't own the rights of this following motion material. It is copyrighted of their respective owners and was spreaded without any commercial purpose but in favor of all true music lovers. Thanks to Descendants, and the various DJ's presented in the video. #afrohouse #housemusic #america #capetown #deephouse #pretoria #johannesburg #africa #durban


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