God is trying to talk to YOU! (plus a Testimony)

Описание к видео God is trying to talk to YOU! (plus a Testimony)

God is asking me to be more obedient to Him and share more of His heart for us. I pray this blesses someone to know that God is here and is asking you to be available to receive what He has for you.

Our Father cares for your every need and He fulfills the desires He has put on your heart because of His undeniable and unconditional love for you.

Soaking - be drenched and submerged in the presence of God. Soak up His glory and allow in what God is revealing to you. (not the worlds definition!)

Hebrews 12:6-7


The testimony about my pet snake was truly one in spiritual warfare and God won and paved the way for her return. God showed me that He hears our prayers and cares for us. Now I believe for there to be witnesses for her second return! XD


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