430 ሠራተኞች እስከ 500 ሺህ ብር ተበርክቶላቸዋል /Ethio Business/

Описание к видео 430 ሠራተኞች እስከ 500 ሺህ ብር ተበርክቶላቸዋል /Ethio Business/

ሚድሮክ ዓመቱን በስኬት አጠናቅቂያለሁ ብሏል፤ኩባንያውን ለሥኬት ላበቁት 430 ትጉህ ሠራተኞቹ እስከ 500 ሺህ ብር ሸልሟል፡፡የሚድሮክ ኢንቨስትመንት ግሩፕ ባለቤትና ሊቀመንበር ሼህ መሀመድ ሁሴን አሊ አል-አሙዲ መላው ሠራተኞቹንና አመራሮችን ያመሰገኑ ሲሆን በቅርቡ ወደሀገሬ እመጣለሁ ብለዋል በዚህ ጉዳይ ላይ ቆይታ ተደርጎበታል ፡፡

Midroc Investment Group celebrates a successful year, rewarding 430 dedicated employees with up to 500,000 birr in recognition of their hard work. Owner and chairman Sheikh Mohammad Hussain Ali Al-Amoudi expressed his gratitude to the staff and leadership, announcing his plans to return to Ethiopia soon. Watch for more details on this achievement and future plans.

ኢትዮ ቢዝነስ አጫጭርና ወቅታዊ የቢዝነስ መረጃዎች እንዲሁም አዋጭነት ያላቸው የንግድና ኢንቨስትመንት ሀሳቦች ለተመልካቾች ይቀርቡበታል፡፡ ከዜና ባሻገር ማብራሪያ የሚያስፈልጋቸው የኢኮኖሚ ጉዳዮች በባለሙያ ትንታኔ ይሰጥባቸዋል፡፡በተለይም በቅርቡ ስለሚጀምረው የካፒታል ገበያ ላይ ሰዎች ግንዛቤ እንዲኖራቸው የስቶክ ማርኬት መረጃዎች ለተመልካቾች በስፋት ይቀርባሉ፡፡ከዚህም ባለፈ ኢትዮጵያዊ አምራቾች እንዲበረታቱና ዜጎች የሀገር ውስጥ ምርትን እንዲጠቀሙ ስለኢትዮጵያ ምርቶች ዘገባ ይቀርብበታል፡፡ፕሮግራሙ በየሣምንቱ ሐሙስ ማታ 2፡30 እስከ 3፡00 ይቀርባል፡፡

"Ethio Business" is a weekly program airing on Thursday evenings from 8:30 to 9:00 p.m., dedicated to providing viewers with concise and current business updates and practical business and investment ideas. The show delves into economic issues, particularly focusing on the upcoming capital market, with expert analysis to aid understanding. Stock market updates are a key feature to make financial information accessible. Additionally, the program highlights Ethiopian products to support local producers and encourage citizens to embrace domestic goods.

EBS TV-Watch on Roku(PC/Mac & iPhone/iPad & Android Devices) : https://live.ebstv.tv/
ያለዎትን ጥያቄና አስተያየት በ አጭር ቸመልዕክት 7696 ላይ ይላኩልን
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