关中小吃乾州四宝,挂面锅盔馇酥豆腐脑,陕西乾县美食阿星吃到饱 Four treasures of Shaanxi Qianzhou snacks in China

Описание к видео 关中小吃乾州四宝,挂面锅盔馇酥豆腐脑,陕西乾县美食阿星吃到饱 Four treasures of Shaanxi Qianzhou snacks in China


Qanxian in Shaanxi Province is 60 kilometers away from Xi’an. It is called Qianzhou in ancient times. The historical and cultural monument Qianling is here. It is rich in snacks and delicacies. The most famous among them are the four treasures of Qianzhou snacks. And every snack is related to the construction of Qianling. Noodles, pot helmets, crisp pastries, and tofu brains are all famous snacks in Guanzhong. Eat with Axing from dawn to dark and taste the authentic Shaanxi delicacies.


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