English speaking job in Germany | Graduate Trainee Program | ft.

Описание к видео English speaking job in Germany | Graduate Trainee Program | ft.

English speaking jobs in Germany | International Graduate Trainee Program Germany | How to get english speaking jobs in Germany #workingermany #workingingermany #germanyjobs

Hello everyone🙂 Today’s video is on how to get English speaking jobs in Germany through Graduate trainee program. We have Shraddha Parashar with us who is working in a Graduate Trainee Program after completing her Master's. Currently, she is working as a Procurement engineer. She shares her insights about english speaking job prospects through the graduate trainee program in Germany. She tells us about the Top Skills required, Salaries, etc. to build a perfect career in Germany.

She has answered all these questions in this video and we hope that it resolves most of your doubts.


0:00 Intro
0:32 What is a Graduate Trainee Program
2:50 Is prior experience mandatory?
4:13 Company expectations
4:53 Structure of the program
6:05 Requirements and application process
9:52 Salaries
11:23 Blue card or Work Visa?
12:01 Can you apply after Bachelors in Germany?
13:36 End notes

Important Links:

Studying in Germany Playlist:
   • MS in Digital Marketing in Germany | ...  

Shraddha’s YouTube channel link:
   / shraddhaparashar  

Shraddha’s Masters course

List of available graduate trainee programs on LinkedIn

Hope you find this information useful and can make informed decisions.

Wish you good luck and success 👍

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#englishspeakingjobsingermany #internationalgraduatetraineeprogram #jobsingermanyforindians #findingjobsingermany #careers #shraddhaparashar

Disclaimer: Please note that all the information shared on our videos is based on our experience and research. There can be changes in the real world so please confirm any rule or regulation related to Germany on your own. Kindly do your own "Research" before applying or taking any decisions. Our videos are just meant to provide you guidance.


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