Manongs & Menudo: Lasa and Legacy

Описание к видео Manongs & Menudo: Lasa and Legacy

Manongs & Menudo is the first episode of the documentary series Lasa and Legacy: Stories of Filipino American Activism told through Food. In this episode, director and producer Rachel Lucero discusses the history of the Filipino Manong generation and the Filipino labor movement amongst farmers and cannery workers while cooking Filipino menudo. We hear from Vivian Bejarin, the daughter of a manong who learned of her father's experiences through his diary. Rachel also takes a trip to Delano Manongs Park in San Jose, CA to meet with Daniel Lazo, an organizer with LEAD Filipino.

Part documentary and part cooking show, Lasa and Legacy is a series that highlights the rich history of Filipino activism and resistance, particularly in the San Francisco Bay Area. Majority of the series was filmed in SOMA Pilipinas, the Filipino Cultural district in San Francisco. Lasa and Legacy is tandem with The Sago Show, which draws connections between Filipino history and food.

The quote read is by Joe Talaugon, "The Life, Hopes, Dreams, and Death of a Filipino Pioneer":

#filipino #documentary #lasaandlegacy #sagoshow


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