WTF Happened To Urban Legend?

Описание к видео WTF Happened To Urban Legend?

We've all heard the story of the babysitter and the killer phone calls right? "The call is coming from inside the house!" Yet there are so many others that have permeated the zeitgeist. So it's no surprise that someone took them, wrapped them up in a nice little bow, and gave us a lovely slasher featuring as many as they could manage. Because today, we're going to get into all the gory details of 1998's Urban Legend.


Written by: Eric Walkuski
Edited, and Narrated by: Tyler Nichols
Produced by: Lance Vlcek and John Fallon
Executive produced by: Berge Garabedian

SERIES SYNOPSIS: Hollywood has had its fair share of historically troubled productions. Whether it was casting changes, actor deaths, fired directors, in-production rewrites, constant delays, budget cuts or studio edits, these films had every intention to be a blockbuster but were beset with unforeseen disasters. Sometimes huge hits, sometimes box office bombs. Either way, we have to ask: WTF Happened To This Horror Movie?

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