1936 Martin D-18 vs. 1934 Martin 000-18

Описание к видео 1936 Martin D-18 vs. 1934 Martin 000-18

Had my buddy Mike Kilby over with some of the best acoustic guitars you can buy for a lot of money! Mike and Marcus showcase these instruments with some bluegrass and fingerstyle picking. A 1961 Gibson J45 was thrown in the mix for some different flavour. What's your favourite?

Recording setup:
Stereo AKG 451's
Mono Slate LDC with B251 model up middle
UAD Apollo

Very light master bus compression happening for the solo clips with no eq. Mikey's Breakdown I scooped out the midrange of the D-18 rhythm track to let them sit together a bit better.

Marcus Ramsay on Instagram
Mike Kilby on Instagram


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