1967 Kühn | I/5 Organ | "NELIETAJÚCI CYPRIÁN" (NON-FLYING CYPRIAN), Tour of Stops & Combinations

Описание к видео 1967 Kühn | I/5 Organ | "NELIETAJÚCI CYPRIÁN" (NON-FLYING CYPRIAN), Tour of Stops & Combinations

Organ bol pôvodne postavený pre potreby orchestra Slovenskej Filharmónie v Bratislave východonemeckou organárskou firmou Kühn z Merseburgu v spolkovej zemi Sasko-Anhaltsko.

The organ was originally built for the needs of the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra in Bratislava by the East German organbuilding company Kühn from Merseburg in Saxony-Anhalt.

00:00 Úvod, Informácie, Dispozícia / Intro, Infos, Stoplist
00:38 Ukážky registrov a kombinácií / Tour of Stops & Combinations
00:45 Gedackt 8´ (Kryt)
02:16 Rohrflőte 4´ (Flauta rúrková)
04:29 Prinzipal 2´ (C - d´´ Prospekt/Facade)
07:03 Quinte 1 1/3´
09:00 Mixtur 3 fach
(C 1´+2/3´+1/2´, c 1 1/3´+1´+2/3´, c´ 2´+1 1/3´+1´, c´´ 2 2/3´+2´+1 1/3´)
10:00 Gedackt + Rohrflöte
14:40 Gedackt + Prinzipal
16:48 Gedackt + Quinte
19:09 Rohrflöte + Prinzipal
20:49 Gedackt + Rohrflöte + Prinzipal
23:29 Gedackt + Rohrflöte + Prinzipal + Quinte


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