How to take care of new

Описание к видео How to take care of new

How to take care of new Bornbaby Neonatal || Immunization || Breast Feeding || Skin Care || Other

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The video provides information on the care of newborn babies, including both immediate care after birth and daily routine care. It discusses keeping the baby warm through skin-to-skin contact, establishing breastfeeding, cord and skin care, bathing, eye care, clothing, observation and immunization. The goals are to help the baby maintain homeostasis and allow for early detection of any problems. Close follow-up of the baby in the first year is also recommended to ensure proper growth and development.

#newborn #newbornbaby #immunization #breastfeeding #skincare #warmup #food
#eyecare #dailyrutien #clothing #skin_to_skin_contact



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