Summits on the Air at San Marcos Stonehenge

Описание к видео Summits on the Air at San Marcos Stonehenge

Carried in a heavy pack to San Marcos Stonehenge (Merriam Mountains HP) to deploy a Chelegance MC -750 Vertical Antenna for fun CW QRP operations from the summit. Apologies for the horrendous sending, just one of those days I was having difficulties copying and sending morse code. Hope you all enjoy the episode.

Merriam Mountains : W6/SC-323
Coordinates: Latitude 33.2169 Longitude -117.1617
Elevation 1752 ft

Operating Frequencies: 7.062, 14.0635, 18.0835, 21.061 and 28.0635Hz

Gear for Summits on the Air
USMC Issue FILBE Assault Pack Gear
mcHF QRP Radio
Venus SW-3B
Yaesu FT-65R
Chelgance MC-750
RG-316 25'
Bamakey TP-III Key
Anker Soundcore Portable Speaker
7M carbon Fiber Mast

0:00 - Antenna Setup
0:58 - Radio Setup
1:54 - 10 Meters
10:50 - 15 Meters
25:52 - 17 Meters
27:05 - 20 Meters
36:16 - 40 Meters
38:36 - outro

"High Surf SuperNova" - KD7DUG Music

Copyright KD7DUG 2023. All rights reserved. This music is protected by copyright law and may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the copyright owner.


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