Top 10 Signs You're MEANT To Become A Rapper! (and Start A Music Career)

Описание к видео Top 10 Signs You're MEANT To Become A Rapper! (and Start A Music Career)

The Top 100 words that EVERY professional full-time rapper used DAILY to start a music career and become a rapper [FREE HOW TO RAP DICTIONARY]:


In today’s video, we’re going to listen the top 10 signs you’re meant to become a rapper. When we say rapper, we’re not saying you’re necessarily meant to make a million dollars next week or meant to hit Billboard #1 overnight…

What we mean is that you’re meant to develop your skills in rap to a point that you can make a full-time income from the music you make… You can get some of the most important perks of being a skilled rapper like fans, tours, and getting paid to make tracks…

…And then you will ENJOY doing it as opposed to feeling like you’re FORCING yourself to get better.

This video features 10 concepts on how to be a rapper from someone who has been teaching rappers like yourself how to get your rap career started for more than half a decade. If you're interested in learning how to get better at rapping, How To Rap is one of the best channels on the market...

We do videos that feature topics such as how to rap for beginners, how to rap better, AND what topics to rap about. So if one of your goals is to like how to write raps and how to rap better instantly, How To Rap is the channel for you!



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