Ko Mak : An Island for Explorers (4K + Drone)

Описание к видео Ko Mak : An Island for Explorers (4K + Drone)

We kicked off out journey with a trip to Koh Mak in the South East of Thailand. This is not the easiest island to get to by any means, but the payout is immense. So glad we invested the time and had the opportunity to see this untapped gem.

This video was filmed with:
DJI Mavic Pro
GoPro Hero 5
Canon DSLR Rebel
IPhone 6s
Samsung Galaxy S8

Watusi- Oio Gere
Oxilo- Time Well Wasted
Marlena Shaw- California Soul (Diplo Mad Decent Remix)
Arthur Lyman- Hilawe

Bamboo Hideaway
Islanda Resort

Dive Certification:
Open Water 20 RAID: Koh Mak Divers
Follow us on Instagram: @tjbosslife, @daniellestouder, #tdsfolleaventure

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