Adobe Illustrator Course - Class 25 (Brushes - Part 1)

Описание к видео Adobe Illustrator Course - Class 25 (Brushes - Part 1)

Adobe Illustrator Course - Class 25 (Brushes - Part 1) illustrates the brushes in Illustrator and how to apply and remove them from from an object , so do watch the video till the end , and share your thoughts in the comments.

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For my Adobe InDesign professional course (along with a certificate), please click the following link:

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The whole idea of coming up with this ‘tutorial channel’ is to help novice graphic designers who have knowledge, but limited real-world experience, as well as people who want to get into graphic designing to explore their creative side, in a simple and easy-to-learn way to enhance their learning experience with graphic designing.

I wish you all the best, and hope you make it big, in this creative and enriching career!

#creativitygarage #illustrator #freeclasses #adobeillustrator


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