I Giorni della Tragedia 03 Ottobre 2013 Lampedusa - (Sottotitoli in Inglese)

Описание к видео I Giorni della Tragedia 03 Ottobre 2013 Lampedusa - (Sottotitoli in Inglese)

I giorni Della Tragedia - Lampedusa 03 Ottobre 2013 -
(sottotitoli in inglese)
Il 3 ottobre del 2013 a mezzo miglio dalle coste di Lampedusa vicinissimo al porto, una barca naufragava con a bordo 540 persone circa, la maggior parte di nazionalità eritrea, provocando 366 morti accertati e circa 20 dispersi presunti.Un documentario nato nei giorni della tragedia , con Interviste ancora genuine e prive di influenze . Racconti fatti dai sopravvissuti e dai soccorritori che parlano di due imbarcazioni che si sono avvicinate e se ne sono andate senza prestare soccorso e di orari discordanti con quelli ufficiali per quanto concerne la richiesta d’aiuto fatta dall’imbarcazione Gamar.

Filmaker Antonino Maggiore Music Giacomo Sferlazzo e Achref Chargui Editing Antonino Maggiore production LiberaEspressione

On the 3rd of October 2013, a half mile off the coast of Lampedusa and very close to the port, a boat with approximately 540 people on board sank resulting in 366 confirmed deaths and about 20 presumed missing. The majority of the people were Eritrean. A documentary was born in the days following the tragedy, with genuine eye witness accounts which are free from outside influences. Accounts by survivors and rescuers who talk of two boats that approached the scene and left without offering any kind of assistance and discrepancies in the official statement regarding the hour when the request for help was made from the boat Gamar.
Filmmaker Antonino Maggiore Music Giacomo Sferlazzo and Achref Chargui Editing Antonino Maggiore production LiberaEspressione
On the 3rd of October 2013, a half mile off the coast of Lampedusa and very close to the port, a boat with approximately 540 people on board sank resulting in 366 confirmed deaths and about 20 presumed missing. The majority of the people were Eritrean. A documentary was born in the days following the tragedy, with genuine eye witness accounts which are free from outside influences. Accounts by survivors and rescuers who talk of two boats that approached the scene and left without offering any kind of assistance and discrepancies in the official statement regarding the hour when the request for help was made from the boat Gamar.

Filmmaker Antonino Maggiore Music Giacomo Sferlazzo and Achref Chargui Editing Antonino Maggiore production LiberaEspressione


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