King of Fighters 2000 [Arcade] - play as Kula

Описание к видео King of Fighters 2000 [Arcade] - play as Kula

This is a playthrough using Kula Diamond in the Arcade version of The King of Fighters 2000. Read on below for more information...

Kula is an unlockable hidden character in the game. She can be fought against if a certain amount of Ability Points is reached before Stage 4 in a 1-player game, making her a potential mid-boss character.

===== HOW TO UNLOCK KULA =====

On the character select screen, do the following:

Highlight Whip, press Start
Highlight Vanessa, press Start
Highlight Seth, press Start
Highlight Maxima, press Start
Highlight K', press Start
Highlight the Roulette box [?], press Start, and then press Up, Down

If you've done it correctly, Kula's icon will appear below the Roulette box. You'll also hear her voice.


When Kula is the striker character, she has a hidden Maniac Striker in the form of Rugal Bernstein. Here's how to get him:

On the Order Select screen when choosing the strikers of Kula, do the following:

Highlight Foxy, and press Up, Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Down.

If you've done it correctly, Rugal will take the place of Foxy. This is not permanent, and if you choose Kula as your striker again for the next match, you need to enter the commands again to get Rugal.

===== KULA MOVELIST =====
Key: QCF = Quarter Circle Forward motion; DP = Dragon Punch motion; HCB = Half Circle Back motion; [P] = any Punch; [LP] = Light Punch; [LK] = Light Kick; [HP] = Heavy Punch

---- Command Normals ----
One Inch: F + [LP]
Slide: DF + [LK]

---- Special Moves ----
Diamond Breath: QCF + [P]
Crow Bites: DP + [P]
Counter Shell: QCB + [P] (converts and reflects projectiles, also hits)

---- Super Moves ----
(DM) Diamond Edge: QCF x 2 + [P] (requires 1 stock POW)
(SDM) Diamond Edge: QCF x 2 + [LP] + [HP] (requires MAX POW)
(SDM) Freeze Execution: HCB x 2 + [LP] + [HP] (requires MAX POW)

===== TRIVIA =====

---- She is also known as the Ice Doll (official nickname).

---- Her background/stage is unique to her when she is met as the CPU opponent. This background/stage does not occur in normal situations.

---- She is 1 of 4 characters in the game who are "single" characters.

---- She is 1 of 4 characters in the game to have a unique BGM theme to themselves.

---- She appeared as a guest character in Dead or Alive 6, via DLC.

===== ABOUT KOF2000 =====

From an artistic and features point of view, I think this is one of the best KOF games in the series. The whole thing is very refined and it takes the striker system from KOF99 and fleshes it out. The Another Striker characters (especially the ones who are not the main character) adds variety and makes it interesting. Personally for me, the in-game portrait images and lifebar icons of the characters are great, and the soundtrack/melodies is/are also top-notch. This game also marks the debut of Kula Diamond.

===== CHAPTERS =====

00:00 - Intro, Title, Character Select, Striker select
00:50 - Regular fights
13:56 - Cutscene 1
14:54 - Regular fights
17:48 - Cutscene 2
19:35 - vs. Zero
21:32 - "Zero defeated" scene 1
22:18 - Ending
23:38 - Cast/Credits
25:25 - BONUS 1: "Zero defeated" scene 2 (having fought CPU Kula)
26:33 - BONUS 2: Meeting and fighting CPU Kula & cutscenes


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