Air Pollution Fatality- BreatheLife Ambassador, Rosamund Talks About Her Late Daughter, Ella Roberta

Описание к видео Air Pollution Fatality- BreatheLife Ambassador, Rosamund Talks About Her Late Daughter, Ella Roberta

Rosamund lost her daughter Ella in 2013. Ella was 9 years old. 🌹

Tomorrow would have been Ella’s 18th birthday 🙏🏾

In Nov 2020, the inquest concluded that Ella’s exposure to poor air quality sadly contributed to her death.

Rosamund has since been a strong advocate & campaigner for clean air locally, nationally & globally and is a global Breathe Life ambassador.🍀💚

Rosamund works across the world helping to influence world leaders & politicians to end air quality injustice especially due to the strong correlation with air quality, dense populated areas and lower incomes.

Rosamund is also good friends with Arnold Schwarzenegger who she met in his capacity as Governor of California tacking air pollution amongst other social issues.

#cleanair #airqualityindex #climatechange #healthofsociety #campaigners


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