[QuickDrive] - Cotton 60oC (9Kg non QDrive Cycle)

Описание к видео [QuickDrive] - Cotton 60oC (9Kg non QDrive Cycle)

The washer has three means of load detection. Firstly the torque in the motor measures the weight of the load. Secondly any movement in the backplate determines it's size within the drum. The 'scales' icon flashes during load detection, then stays on for a further 10 minutes, before going out. During these 10 minutes the machine monitors the loads absorbency to further determine the load size.

If the machine detects that the drum is crammed full (as is here) the quick drive activity is reduced to avoid damaging fabrics which might be pressed against the back of the drum, and the cycle is extended accordingly. However it doesn't cancel the backplate completely, even though this cycle is similar to the traditional Samsung Cotton 60oC it's still quite a bit quicker.

Water levels on the wash are up all the way up to the door, and the rinse levels are higher.
Rinses times are longer, but tumbles are short and slow compared with the quick drive cycle.

Interm spins are the same as the 1H21 Cotton 60oC cycle, in that they are 10 minutes long at 1200 rpm. However a 3rd rinse is automatically added, compared with the 1H21 program. The final spin is extended also by 5 minutes, to 18 minutes. The VRT is so stable. It span first attempt on every spin.

Rinsing performance is excellent... considering the load is 9KG for towels the rinses where crystal clear by the end.

The wash is 54 minutes, and the backplate is used for 25 minutes during the wash. It doesn't begin doing this until about 20minutes in the wash, allowing time for the load to completely saturate and compact down leaving more room in the drum. When it does rotate, it does this slower than normal. Before and after this, during the rest of the wash the backplate moves in sync with the drum. I'm not sure if this is driven by the motor or by the weight of the load pushing it round. I couldn't capture any footage of this as the drum was so full, but the motor must be really powerful to push the backplate around against the weight of that load.

Considering the wash time was only about 15 minutes longer compared with the 1H21 Cotton 60oC cycle, the washing results were also excellent. Stains were removed from the tea towels and dishcloths were completely white. I've added a comparison of the wash action at 4:17 ... as its possible to see the items twisting and moving through the drum differently when the backplate is rotating.


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