Dreamin' With Super400 (Jazz Guitar Solo) Composed by Jun Satsuma

Описание к видео Dreamin' With Super400 (Jazz Guitar Solo) Composed by Jun Satsuma

【Jazz Guitarist Jun Satsuma Plays Jazz Standard Songs】

"Dreamin' With Super400" Composed by Jun Satsuma

久しぶりに佐津間純作曲の"Dreamin' with Super 400"を弾いてみました。YouTubeを本格的に始めた頃に一度アップしたのですが今回再収録しました。この曲は私の憧れの二人のギタリストケニーバレル氏と岡安芳明氏に想いを馳せて作った曲です。彼らに教えてもらったアイディア満載の曲です。私はこの二人のギタリストに憧れてジャズギターの道を志しました。彼らがメインで使用する楽器がGibsonのSuper400というギターで私もただの憧れで同じモデルを弾いて10年以上経ちます。いつか自分も彼らのようなサウンドが出せたらいいなぁと思いながらいつもギターを弾いています。




I played a song I composed called "Dreamin' with Super 400", which I uploaded once when I started YouTube in earnest. I re-recorded it this time. This song is dedicated to two guitarists I admire, Kenny Burrell and Yoshiaki Okayasu. This song is full of ideas I got from them. These two guitarists inspired me to pursue a career in jazz guitar. Their main instrument is a Gibson Super400, and I have been playing the same model for more than 10 years now, just because I admire it. I have been playing the guitar for more than 10 years now, hoping that one day I will be able to produce a sound like theirs.

The other day, while playing the guitar, I realized once again that learning jazz music and jazz guitar is a very time-consuming process (not only the physical technique, but also the understanding of theoretical matters and detailed expression...). I am very happy to have learned jazz music and jazz guitar again. In my case, it has been 20 years since I first encountered jazz guitar. I consider myself very fortunate to have been able to live my life thinking almost exclusively about the guitar during that time. I am truly grateful to everyone who has always supported me. Thank you very much.

The reason why I am writing such a long article is because I feel really sad when I look at the recent world situation. There are no words for the horrific news reports....Of course, it is not only this time, but there are still conflicts all over the world.... Through Youtube, people from all over the world have been able to listen to my performance, including a small number of people from Russia and Ukraine, which are currently the topic of conversation. Maybe you are one of those who have long been fascinated by jazz guitar and enjoy playing it every day like me! What a thought! You may have learned to hold down difficult chords or play difficult phrases by practicing hard every day.... Maybe you are just starting out. Anyway, there is no time for wars! We jazz guitar enthusiasts are busy learning to play jazz guitar....

I hope that the day will come soon when those who are hurting or in sorrow over the loss of loved ones and things will be able to enjoy music with peace of mind.

World peace

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

【Guitar】GIBSON SUPER400 sunburst (1968年製)
【Strings】Thomastik-Infeld JS111L

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