Got Stinky Washer? How to get rid of that funky smell in your washing machine

Описание к видео Got Stinky Washer? How to get rid of that funky smell in your washing machine

htttp:// Today we'll discuss how to get rid of that funky, stinky washer smell.

Hi, this is Richard from Appliances Cheaper.

Lots of people talk to me and ask questions, sometimes they have washers that develop a little bit of a stink to them and I just want to let you know a couple of things you can do.

Now, on top loaders it doesn't happen as often but it can happen if you don't wash too often.

There's a ... let me show you on this one here, it's a bigger tub... below the tub there's always a little bit of water and that water might start to smell - so a lot of times all you gotta do is run it once through a real short cycle, no soap or maybe put a little bleach or vinegar, not at the same time, one or the other.

Vinegar you might use... at some point in time you might have tried it on your dishwasher to help clear out some of the white stuff that lands on your dishes.

Put a little vinegar or bleach in there, run it through a short cycle and then leave the lid open for a while. If you get in the habit of leaving the lid open it will probably get more air in there and help dry it out.

On a front loader it's the same thing. We have a front loader at home and we just leave the door abut half-way open and it has no problem at all.

Also, we're in a dry climate here but if you're in a more moist climate you definitely want to leave the door open on your washer - just lets more fresh air in there.

You also don't want to leave your clothes in after you've washed them, 'cause then they really can start to smell.

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   • Got Stinky Washer?   How to get rid o...  


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