Bloodborne Lore: Ludwig, The Holy Blade

Описание к видео Bloodborne Lore: Ludwig, The Holy Blade

I haven't seen a cinematic style approach to Ludwig yet so I made one. Quite possibly the best moment in all of gaming, the music, the sword, the background lore, the fight itself, the voice acting. Holy F.

I'm extremely pleased I was able to include his entire theme. Respect to Nobuyoshi Suzuki, Tsukasa Saitoh, Yuka Kitamura and everyone else that worked on this magnificent game. Double Super Respect to Des McAleer for a truly insane voice performance.

I know everything in this video is stated as fact when it is just one of many equally valid interpretations but as much of the script as possible is based on actual quotations from the game and I went with what I felt fit best. If I'd discussed multiple interpretations the story would lose it's flow so I'm including that disclaimer here.

I have it on decent authority that Caryll is a Welsh name pronounced Ca-rith and I'd be happy to discuss your interpretations of Ludwig's story in the comments.

This video was pretty serious lol and it was interesting to move to a style more focused around gameplay captures and item description research. Guess who discovered the Star Wars side wipe cut.

Lot's of Love,
EF x


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