Is Dehancer worth it? (Lightroom/Photoshop/Capture One/Affinity plugin)

Описание к видео Is Dehancer worth it? (Lightroom/Photoshop/Capture One/Affinity plugin)

I’m not looking at #dehancer as a shortcut to a trendy film look. I don’t want that. I’m using it to help me close the gap between where my photos are and where I want them to be. I think, for the most part, it does a good job of getting me there. It’s a thoughtfully-constructed, well-researched piece of software.

Dehancer operates as a standalone editor that has many film profiles and controls for emulating analog film with your digital photos. I haven’t shot with film before, but I really get the sense that a lot of time, effort, and science went into properly recreating these film stocks and development processes. It feels like the right amount of work on my end, too. It’s not some filter you just slap on top of #lightroom adjustments. You’re actually getting in there and adjusting black and white points, print paper, and lots of other controls.

I really like the balance of a proper workflow with space for creativity and experimentation in the Dehancer plugin. It feels like there are solid guardrails you can reliably follow to get good results every time, but there’s also space for you to go nuts on the sliders and come up with wild results if you want. I think this pocket is what ultimately sold me on the plugin, in addition to the possibilities that it opened up for me.

I think this plugin is going to make me better at #photography as a filmmaker - because now I know I can get good results. I’ll want to keep taking more photos. It’s exciting to develop them. Now I can finally get them to look how I wanted.

Contact: [email protected]


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