Ginger Root - "Nisemono" [FULL EP VISUALIZER]

Описание к видео Ginger Root - "Nisemono" [FULL EP VISUALIZER]

Ginger Root's new EP, "Nisemono" in its entirety.
Tour Tix:
Watch the story:    • Nisemono Timeline  

0:00 - Kimiko!
1:16 - Loneliness
4:43 - Holy Hell
8:08 - Over the Hill
10:56 - Nisemono
13:57 - Everything's Alright (Meet You in the Galaxy Ending Theme)

The year is 1983, and Ginger Root is brought in to write songs for an up and coming Japanese Idol, Kimiko Takeguchi. Due to the pressures of the spotlight, Kimiko quits and Ginger Root is thrown in as her last minute replacement. "Nisemono" roughly translates to "Fake" or "Fraud". This EP touches on themes of impostor syndrome, and the journey to overcome it. At the time of writing this description, there are still music video/chapters to tell about this EP, but I'll have to save them till after our fall tour. Thanks for listening


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