Fading Stars - Theme of Astro (Dandy's World Original Song)

Описание к видео Fading Stars - Theme of Astro (Dandy's World Original Song)

So, I said that the last video for 2024 will be Shelly Song Teaser...
Because this song will be premiered on the midnight of 1st January 2025 in my timezone, hehe~! Got you all good, huh~?

Anyways, with how complex the song for shelly will be both in terms of composing it and in terms of making music video for it, I'll likely be churning out other songs that are easier to do like this one in the meantime, but that doesn't mean the shelly song is cancelled- just postponed!

As for this song, it's just a nice chill song for you all to vibe to, themed after Astro Novalite~!
I do hope Astro lovers will like this song, and I do hope my future songs for other toons like Vee, Cosmo and Sprout etc. will be well received too!

"So, when's this getting on Spotify?"
Unfortunately, contacting the devs of Dandy's World resulted in silence with the implications that I won't be able to sell the song without getting into legal troubles with BlushCrunch Studios
And with no way to put the song on Spotify for free, putting it on YouTube and bandcamp (the latter of which DOES allow you to distribute songs for free) will have to do... But I'll let you guys know if the situation changes and I'm able to put it on Spotify!

Get the song for free on bandcamp in the link below!
But feel free to enter more than 0$ if you want to support me!

Under the tranquil night sky
Gaze upon the beauties up high
Shining on in silence
All the way until the end

When will they fade?
(Fading away...)
Away to the void?
(Till they're never...)
Never to be seen again
Ceasing to be

Alone in the night I ponder
That we are not immune to the passing of time
Who'll be there to remember
When we toons fade from people's minds?
Just like the stars above
We won't be forever beloved
Such is the fate of us fading stars

Under the pastel moonlight
Feel the gentle breezes of night
Leaves swaying in the wind
Revealing branches within

When will they fall?
(Falling away...)
Away from their trees?
(Till they're reaching...)
Reaching grounds that we walk on
Shrivelling up

Alone in the dark I wonder
About the fleeting nature of our memories
Will we toons be remembered
As just figures in reveries?
Just like the falling leaves
There'll soon be none of us to grief
Such is the fate of us fading stars

Our time will come
(For us to fade...)
To fade out of
(Sight and mind for...)
Mind for our audience
Our creators

Sitting by my friends I ponder
That it doesn't matter if we're soon forgotten
For we toons will remember
The joys of life in our time spent
Just as some will forget
There'll be others that we have met
That will remember us fading stars

#dandysworld #dandysworldastro #dandysworldroblox #dandysworldvee


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