健康月壇|花粉是最常見的季節性過敏原!過敏性鼻炎是否需要積極治療?感冒與鼻炎的區別是什麼?類固醇藥膏使用需謹慎! CHAMP | Allergy

Описание к видео 健康月壇|花粉是最常見的季節性過敏原!過敏性鼻炎是否需要積極治療?感冒與鼻炎的區別是什麼?類固醇藥膏使用需謹慎! CHAMP | Allergy

Spring can be a tough season for those with allergies! Allergies during this time are often triggered by pollen from blooming trees. In this video, CAIPA Allergy & Immunology Dr. Lihua Yang will explain different types of allergies, including allergic rhinitis and pollen allergies, as well as allergic reactions and how to cope with them during peak allergy season.

00:00 過敏症
01:34 過敏性鼻炎的原因
02:05 過敏性鼻炎的症狀
02:34 過敏性鼻炎和感冒的區別
02:46 過敏性鼻炎的治療
03:37 如何應對過敏高發季
04:14 花粉進眼可以自己清洗嗎
04:35 容易引起過敏的食物
04:54 食物過敏的症狀
05:34 使用類固醇藥膏
06:10 治療方案
07:17 預防措施

CAIPA 亞美醫師協會:

Sponsored by: @villagecare7284

#過敏症 #花粉過敏 #過敏反應 #過敏性鼻炎 #食物過敏 #類固醇藥膏 #健康生活 #allergies #pollenallergy #allergicreactions #allergicrhinitis #foodallergies #healthylife


「 健康月壇」活動由亞美醫師協會聯合頂尖醫生和社區合作夥伴共同舉辦,幫助提高華裔社區民眾的健康意識,同時加強預防保健。
我們每月將關注 1至2 個不同的健康主題,並將通過以下方式為您呈現:

CHAMP brings medical experts and community partners to help raise health awareness among the communities and patient populations we serve while improving preventative care. Each month, we will focus on specific HEALTH TOPICS which will be published/released via:
Informational brochures or articles
Virtual health sessions and Zoom meetings
CAIPA website and social media


CAIPA (Coalition of Asian-American IPA) is one of the most successful independent practice associations in Greater New York with over 1200 private practice providers, covering over 70 specialties. Our provider network currently provides medical services and care to about half a million patients population in the Asian community. At CAIPA, our mission has always been to unite the top health professionals to deliver culturally sensitive and quality care, utilizing the most cost-effective approach.

CAIPA (亞美醫師協會) 是大紐約最成功的獨立醫師協會之一, 擁有 1, 200多家私營醫生診所, 涵蓋70多個專科。我們的醫生網路目前在亞裔社區為約50萬病人提供醫療服務和護理。我們的使命始終是團結頂尖的衛生專業人員, 利用最具成本效益的方法, 提供高質素的護理服務。

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