Should you summon? Well yes, but actually think a little bit more. (Master of Garden)

Описание к видео Should you summon? Well yes, but actually think a little bit more. (Master of Garden)

Hi if you're reading this thank you! I will be making videos here and there I am playing daily if you got any questions post some below I'm still testing out the game as it goes I'm a casual free to play player and plan to remain so until the end of it!

Might make some guides but it will likely be a mix of commentary and some game play perhaps some ideas on how to clear some stuff and criticism of course cause I don't believe it'd be honest otherwise.

We have one of the best banners I've ever seen in a long time. Short answer as I said think a little bit more, this is a great time to start in time or time to come back this banner is filled with a total of 4 SFs and not only that but has the first known place where demonic characters have come back as well as free to play accessible multi shadow fest banner. A lot of good characters are here and about half of them are shadow fests.

Let me know if you did summon on this banner or if you're thinking about as well as if you did summon what are your thoughts? Summon again? Reroll? or what feel free to post it on the comments down below.

#eminenceinshadow #masterofgarden #eta #alpha #gamma #shadowfests
#shadowfestbonanza #elf-special-summons


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