IP Tracker WhatsApp Bot Demo: Real-Time IP Location & Subscription Management

Описание к видео IP Tracker WhatsApp Bot Demo: Real-Time IP Location & Subscription Management

IP Tracker WhatsApp Bot - Real-Time IP Location & Subscription Management

In this demo, we showcase the IP Tracker WhatsApp Bot, a bot built using Twilio Sandbox to help users track and get detailed information about IP locations. The bot allows users to validate IP addresses, manage subscriptions, and retrieve location data through a seamless WhatsApp interface.


Subscription management for users
IP address validation for accuracy
Real-time IP location lookup using a third-party API
WhatsApp integration via Twilio
Razorpay integration for subscription payments
Tech Stack:

Backend: Node.js, Express
Database: SQLite (Sequelize ORM)
Payment Gateway: Razorpay
APIs: Twilio (WhatsApp), IP Lookup API
Utilities: Axios, EJS, dotenv
You can view the complete project on GitHub: IP Tracker WhatsApp Bot - GitHub Repo ( https://github.com/omthakare16/IP-Tra... )

Setup & Installation: Follow the instructions in the README to set up the bot and run it on your machine.

If you find this project helpful, feel free to star the repository and contribute!


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