Kedge Keep - Enchanter Solo Dungeon Crawl - Everquest Project 1999

Описание к видео Kedge Keep - Enchanter Solo Dungeon Crawl - Everquest Project 1999

In today's crawl, we go check out Kedge Keep. An extremely dangerous and beautiful zone that is completely underwater. I had a lot of fun learning this zone. I also died more times in this zone than any other I've been to so far.

This dungeon requires different tactics than any other zone in the game due to it being underwater. Crazy pathing, enemies half way in the ceiling, a ton of adds, poor spell casting due to having to swim, and those damn sailfin fish are just a few of the quirks this dungeon offers which can cause some major trouble if you don't learn them.

In the end, we were able to take out some tough named mobs. We killed Shellara (46 ranger) a handful of times to grab some gloomwater arrows... Coralyn (46 druid) took a few tries only due to the room she's in and all the adds that you have to get out of the way first. Cauldronboil (49 warrior) was a tough fight that killed me a few times, but eventually we got him down by petting 3 lesser sharks in a row against him.

In the end, I really enjoyed this crawl... even though I lost half a level learning the ropes. Eventually, I got my bearings and was able to grind out to level 51 here. My favorite part of this zone is you are going to be the only one here almost every time. A level 60 may stroll through for a few minutes to see if Estrella is up, but other than that, you are a lone survivor here.


*PS... I can't recommend a Fishbone Earring enough for this dungeon :)


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