"Sleet Fighters" is Valve's New Fighting Game In DOTA 2

Описание к видео "Sleet Fighters" is Valve's New Fighting Game In DOTA 2

Dota 2 New Fighting Game! Inside Crownfall ACT 3
Valve's New DOTA 2 Fighting Game Is Exciting! - Inside Crownfall ACT 3!
DOTA 2 New Fighting Game Is Exciting! - Sleet Fighters, Inside Crownfall ACT 3!

Valve's New Fighting Game Inside DOTA Is Exciting - DOTA 2 Crownfall ACT 3!


"What can I call you?"
Dodo. DD. Both are fine. Some even use the channel name.

"Where are you from?"
Born and Raised in SE Asia Server 😄

"Do you play any other hero than Invoker?"
Sometimes... I play what I enjoy most often.

"Is this your real/main account?"

"Can I play with you?"
Yes, on the Weekends.

"What server?"
SEA server of course!

"What rank are you? Do you only play ranked?"
I am roaming around Guardian/Crusader as of now. I used to be Legend!

"Can I donate/How to donate?"
I don't accept donations, it is better that you spend that money on yourself or donate to a charity.

"Any other way to contribute?"
You subscribing and visiting my stream and chatting is more than enough.
But - if you really want to, you can find more info on the discord about how to become a member🙂

Discord:   / discord  
Twitter:   / dotadump  

Thank you for watching and I hope you enjoy(ed) your stay.


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