How To Start Freestyle Rapping (In 60 Seconds Or Less)

Описание к видео How To Start Freestyle Rapping (In 60 Seconds Or Less)

The easiest way to start off is simply start by doing the “Rhyme Game” where you say something out loud (like an object, a person, etc.) and take a second to think of a rhyme for it.
Try to force your mind to come up with a rhyme as quickly as possible, but don’t FREAK OUT if it takes a few seconds, even 30 seconds at first.

Overtime you will get faster and faster.


How To Freestyle In Public (Without Looking Stupid) (FREE VIDEO COURSE):


Additionally you’ll start to make more sense over time because your mind will start to connect ideas in a simpler manner.

Worry more about getting comfortable with rhyming the last word said allowed than trying to rap out 8 Mile level stuff… which we’ll talk about in a second. 

So, in fact, try The Rhyme Game right now. I’m going to give you a word and take a few seconds to think of a rhyme for it: 


Take a second and think of a rhyme. 

See that wasn’t so hard was it? It might’ve taken LONGER than you expected, but if you do it a few times over the next week, and in fact come back to this article… 

You will notice a difference. 

If you’d like more drills to practice on your own in private with How To Rap guidance visit the link by clicking the link below to get info on our #1 bestselling freestyle course, “How To Master The Art of Freestyle Rap In 2 Weeks or Less”:


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