Evolution of Dalek voices (1963-2017)

Описание к видео Evolution of Dalek voices (1963-2017)

I tried to include every televised appearance of the loveable pepperpots, the only 2 I missed were, the Shada webcast, because I couldn't remember if they spoke in it or not and Resolution, because I don't like the Chibnall era. I didn't include any recycled footage from other stories, e.g. The Wheel in Space & Logopolis. Neither did I include the scene from the ending of The Final Phase as it is repeated at the start of The Executioners.

The voices of the Daleks are provided by Peter Hawkins, David Graham, Roy Skelton, Michael Wisher, Royce Mills, Brian Miller, Oliver Gilbert, Peter Messaline, John Leeson, Terry Molloy, David Gooderson, Geoffrey Sax, Clayton Hickman, Alistair Lock, Robert Lock, Dave Chapman, Steven Allen, Peter Jolley and Nicholas Briggs.

Inspired by Marc Liljeqvist's Cyberman voices video:    • The many voices of the Cybermen (1966...  

Please leave any and all feedback in the comments.

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Doctor Who is a BBC owned property, the Daleks are the property of the Terry Nation estate, I make no claim of ownership of any of these.


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