The Impact of Technology on Relationships with Dr. Carol Bruess

Описание к видео The Impact of Technology on Relationships with Dr. Carol Bruess

Our daily tech choices are resulting in disintegrating conversations, distracted brains, and reduced human empathy. How should we respond?

Social scientists across multiple disciplines now have mountains of evidence about the ways digital and social media are affecting and changing nearly every aspect of human interaction: in families, friendships, marriages, between patients and clients, with neighbors, and even between strangers.

While the data are quite clear about the fact that almost everyone over the age of ten is digitally saturated, questions about the precise relational, health, and mental health consequences of our collective digital love-affair are just beginning to clearly emerge. What the data suggest should be cause for concern and become topics of conversation in every context of our lives.

Why? Because the inconvenient truth is this: Our daily tech choices are resulting in disintegrating conversations, distracted brains, reduced human empathy, and multiple negative mental and physical health outcomes.

In this dynamic presentation, Dr. Carol Bruess will address the current state of our relationship to technology and provide practical approaches to help each of us re-evaluate our relationships both to each other and to the devices we adore.


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