Metody léčby včel - 2. díl: Bez chemie!

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Články, ze kterých jsem čerpal:

Calderone, N.W., 2005. Evaluation of drone brood removal for management of Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) in colonies of Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the northeastern United States. J. Econ. Entomol. 98 (3), 645–650.

Calis, J.N.M., Fries, I., Ryrie, S.C., 1999. Population modelling of Varroa jacobsoni Oud. Apidologie 30, 111–124.

Duay, P., de Jong, D., Engels, W., 2002. Decreased flight performance and sperm production in drones of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) slightly infested by Varroa destructor mites during pupal development. Genet. Mol. Res. 1, 227–232.

Duay, P., de Jong, D., Engels, W., 2003. Weight loss in drone pupae (Apis mellifera) multiply infested by Varroa destructor mites. Apidologie 34, 61–65.

Fries, I., Hansen, H., 1993. Biotechnical control of Varroa mites in cold climates. Am. Bee J. 133 (6), 435–438.

Charrière, J.D., Imdorf, A., Bachofen, B., Tschan, A., 2003. The removal of capped drone brood: an effective means of reducing the infestation of Varroa in honey bee colonies. Bee World 84 (3), 117–124.

Lodesani, M., 2004. Control strategies against Varroa mites. Parassitologia 46 (1–2), 277–279.

Milani, N., 2001b. Management of the resistance of Varroa mites to acaricides. In: Delaplane, K.S., Webster, T. (Eds.), Mites of the Honey Bee. Dadant, Sons, Hamilton, USA, pp. 241–250.

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› DSLR: Canon Rebel T2i
› Mikrofon: Rode smartLav+

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