Made in America: A New Era of Clean Technology Competitiveness - Aspen Ideas: Climate

Описание к видео Made in America: A New Era of Clean Technology Competitiveness - Aspen Ideas: Climate

With tech from geothermal systems to carbon capture, the US has the opportunity to be a key global cleantech supplier—employing millions of Americans, bolstering domestic supply chains, and making massive industrial investments to drive down costs and accelerate climate action. So how do we usher in this new era?

Justin Worland (moderator)
Jenn Harris
Miranda Ballentine
Rama Variankaval

This is a conversation from Aspen Ideas: Climate in Miami Beach, Florida.

Now in its second year, Aspen Ideas: Climate is co-organized by the Aspen Institute and the City of Miami Beach. In addition to plenary sessions, breakout discussions, announcements, and private roundtables, the event features a tech expo and career fair, a climate solutions showcase, a public arts program, and excursions. Aspen Ideas: Climate takes place March 6–9, 2023. #AspenIdeasClimate


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