Faber-Castell Watercolor Crayons

Описание к видео Faber-Castell Watercolor Crayons

Hey guys, I'm back and this is a look at the very excellent Faber-Castell watercolor crayon set for kids. PLUS a shout out to the gals over at the Art Supply Posse podcast. Here are some helpful links:

Pick up the watercolor crayons here: http://amzn.to/29rOQPn

Check out the Podcast at: http://www.artsupplyposse.com
Tell them I sent you!

Wet Paint Art Store: http://www.wetpaintart.com

Faber-Castell website: http://www.fabercastell.com

Video production and content: Marty Owings

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I buy all the materials I review on the channel unless otherwise stated. I strive to be fair to every product, however my first responsibility is to the Viewers and Artists who watch and support this channel. - Marty Owings


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