मुहर्रम ग्वालियर का ताजिया | muharram tajiya juloos Gast | maharaj bada gwalior night view

Описание к видео मुहर्रम ग्वालियर का ताजिया | muharram tajiya juloos Gast | maharaj bada gwalior night view

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Muharram 2024: History

Both Sunni and Shia Muslims celebrate Muharram, which is remembered as a key event, especially martyrdom of the grandson of Prophet Muhammad in the battle of Karbala in 680 CE. The battle has great religious and political importance in Islamic history.
The battle took place during the rule of Yazid I, the second Umayyad caliph. The battle was between Imam Hussain's forces and the Umayyad army. Imam Hussain, his family, and a small group of loyal followers refused to pay allegiance to Yazid I believing that his rule was unjust and against Islamic principles.
They travelled to Kufa (present-day Iraq) answering calls for support from its people. They met the huge Umayyad army after reaching Karbala, and Imam Hussain’s group was no match for them, in terms of strength. Despite all odds being against them, Imam Hussain stayed committed to justice and Islam's teachings.

He and his supporters bravely fought against Umayyad forces on the 10th day of Muharram. Hussain's followers, which included men, women, and children, were deprived of food and water for several days, and were killed brutally at the end. Hussain was martyred in the battle.


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