Recording of masterclass on ‘A Gift of Heart Space’ by Rekha Radhakrishnan, PCC, ICF, 8th Aug 2024

Описание к видео Recording of masterclass on ‘A Gift of Heart Space’ by Rekha Radhakrishnan, PCC, ICF, 8th Aug 2024

Recording of masterclass on 'A Gift of Heart Space' by Rekha Radhakrishnan, PCC ICF

I hosted the very beautiful, intelligent, and peaceful, Rekha Radhakrishnan, PCC for a masterclass on ‘A Gift of Heart Space’ on the 8th August 2024. This is the recording of masterclass. Right from the time I attended the ‘Coaching Supervision’ masterclass that Rekha held earlier this year, to my recent interactions with her, I have been impressed at the depth of her knowledge, her emotional intelligence, and her ability to hold space during conversations.

Rekha Radhakrishnan is a Professional Certified Coach from International Coaching Federation and Certified Coach Supervisor. Rekha has 18+years of professional experience with a prior corporate background in Leadership Hiring & Talent Management. Her passion to support people development and understanding human behavior led her to pursue extensive training in psychology disciplines like Person-Centered Approach, Gestalt Psychology & Therapy, Systemic Family Constellations and Somatic Experiencing leading to working at a systemic level with the body & mind and working with wholeness, synchronicity & creating sustainability in progress development.

“When you lose all sense of self the bonds of a thousand chains will vanish.
Lose yourself completely, return to the root of the root of your own soul.” ~ Rumi
This quote of Rumi is quite raw yet it indicates towards the essence of creating a space where one is not contained or boxed or chained by the bonds of human thoughts, emotions, identities, judgement, narratives and stories.

When we attempt to get out of our own bondages, conditioning, and narratives, we not just create a heart space for ourselves but for others as well.

Whether one is at the workspace be it any profession or home or with family or friends or being with self, the heart space offers a space to be expansive, and authentic.

This masterclass has a soulful exploration of a Gift of Heart Space where we explore this more to unfold and learn. Some of the areas of exploration were:

What does it really mean to hold space?
How can one learn the art and science of holding space for self and others?
What skills are essential to hold space?
What does inner work have to do with holding space?

This recording is for Coaches, those in the coach training journey, leaders, managers, parents, anyone who is keen to learn how to gift heart space for yourself and others in your conversations.

Watch the recording when you have space for reflection.

Thank you!


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